de Moor
The Transgressor
In the winter of 1985, corporal Vitali Kirillov witnesses a defection from the Soviet Union: a subordinate suddenly finds himself on the other side of the border and disappears into the woods. Eight years later, when the Soviet Union no longer exists, he decides to search for the refugee.
Immersed in the eccentric Russian immigrant life of Amsterdam, nothing comes of his plans for a long time, but a laid-back Dutch girl convinces him to continue the search together. Then chance leads him to the shocking truth.
2007 | Publisher: Querido
Longlist AKO Literature Prize 2008
"Razor sharp observations. Marente de Moor allows her debut novel to rise above herself."
- NRC Handelsblad
"She possesses a rich vocabulary and dares to fantasize, as evidenced by this remarkably mature debut."
- Vrij Nederland